Customer Reviews of Subtext

3 min readJun 3, 2020


We get more positive feedback than we know what to do with. Some comes directly to us — most of it goes directly to our hosts. We actually prefer the later. If our hosts are getting praise — it means we’re doing our job.

The most common descriptions of Subtext is “feels like Twitter without the junk” and “it feels like I know the reporter.” In some cases — a subscribers significant other even felt like they knew the reporter!

In one client’s survey of 1,500 subscribers Subtext received a Net Promoter score of 51. Through another client survey of a few hundred subscribers Subtext got a Net Promoter score as high as 73. For context — Netflix has a Net promoter score of 68.

Some of the comments from these surveys include:

Want more customer testimonials —

check out the responses to the Tweet below.

Please — click through, we’ll wait. But don’t get lost — we know there are literally hundreds of positive responses all in praise of Chad’s texting service, but he’s not the only one winning over fans.

Are you back? Because we have more.

Here’s are two nice notes that came from hosts to us. We love these customer reviews — because just as hosts work to serve subscribers, we work to serve hosts.

People think highly enough about the Subtext experience — they’re more than willing to open their wallets.

We will have more to add here. But for now — here are some Tweets we captured from some of the earliest usage of Subtext.




This is the Medium account for Subtext A service that lets you text with your audience.